Monday, October 31, 2011

Call for Papers: The European Union and the World

via ISA:
The Graduate Society for International Studies and the Center for Regional and Global Studies, in collaboration with the Graduate Program in International Studies and AccessEU, are pleased to announce the 10th annual Graduate Research Conference to be held at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA on February 24, 2012. The conference title is "The European Union in the World: Global Dimensions and Dynamics." The organizers welcome abstracts from all programs including political science, economics, communications, humanities, history, public administration, business studies, criminology, women's studies, modeling and simulation, foreign languages and intercultural studies. Please send a 250-300 word abstract (double-spaced and clearly titled) to the Conference Coordinator by January 15, 2011. Include a cover sheet with the following information: name, mailing address, telephone numbers and e-mail address, academic affiliation, and paper title. Please see the CONFERENCE WEBSITE for more information.