Monday, September 26, 2011


This blog is proposed as a clearing house of information about the academic fields of international relations, comparative politics, and political science.  As a student of these disciplines I have found that there is no one-stop shop for information that focuses on these three inter-related fields.  Having spent the time and effort to compile a list of news sources for my own purposes, I felt that it would be helpful to aggregate and share this in a blog format.  I conceive of this blog as a place to post abstracts and links to interesting articles from major academic journals (as well as academically oriented subject appropriate articles from more popular sources), as well as related information about the field (conference dates and deadlines, fellowships, etc.).  If you see an interesting article or have an opportunity that you'd like me to share, please contact me via e-mail ( or  @davism81 on twitter  for inclusion in the links.  Academics of all stripes (faculty, grad students, undergrads, independent researchers) are the target audience, but all are welcome to participate.  Comments are not just welcome, but encouraged - please share these articles with your friends and colleagues.  At its best academia is a vibrant community where the free flow of ideas spurs further innovation - this blog hopes to be a node on the web where such discussions can flourish.